When You Have an Amazing History... Share it!
Anyone following Apogee's social accounts, especially twitter, has seen a TON of recent posts relating to our history going back to the late 80's. Posts showing original art and illustrations and ads for Commander Keen, Wolfenstein 3D, Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, Blood, Prey and Max Payne, and even a 5-pg concept doc I wrote for Duke Nukem Forever in 1998.

Apogee’s PAX Seattle Post-Game report
Twenty two of us plus our three marketing representatives from Stride PR (who were not in this pic). And we needed every hand on deck for this PAX because our booth stayed BUSY all four days, with both gamers playing our games, and press people from around the world stopping by to play our games in our VIP press rooms.

Apogee is PAX’ing up for Seattle this week!
We’re getting ready for PAX West 2022!

Prey and the Birth of Portals
Project Leader Paul Schuytema's behind the scenes story of leading Prey during its two year internal development run at Apogee.

Interview With Darrin Hurd
Darrin Hurd worked on the ORIGINAL game called Duke Nukem Forever… which was a platformer that had a completely different look to the original two Duke platforming games!

Interview with Todd Replogle
Todd Replogle, Duke Nukem co-creator, is an underappreciated legend in the video game industry. He sat down with Scott Miller for his first interview since Duke Nukem 3D.

Scott's Five Fave Films (Action)
Five action films that have influenced how Apogee makes games.

Johnny Dukem Preys for Star Wars

Duke Nukem - Little known facts
Duke almost had a dog. We thought a lot about the idea of Duke rescuing a dog in Duke Nukem Forever who also became a helpful fighting and fetching companion on several levels. Duke didn't name the dog and just called him Dog. Dog AI is hard though, so this idea never made it into the game.

Post-PAX East 2022 Report
Since Apogee relaunched we've been to two big gaming events with our own booth, first PAX West in Seattle last Sept, and most recently at PAX East in Boston a few weeks ago. Both times we had on display our four major games, Below the Stone, Elements, Turbo Overkill and Dead Fury. Between all of our games we had nearly 100 press appointments set up for the 4-day event, which took place in two dedicated press room areas.

The Truth About DNF
Looks like someone is planning to leak a build of Duke Nukem Forever from 2001. Anyone expecting much of a playable game will be disappointed. The game's brilliant trailer from that period definitely over-represented what was actually playable in the game.

Apogee’s Pioneering Legacy

Clearing the confusion about Apogee and 3D Realms
Here’s the history of both companies.

Indie Development Today
The game industry has changed so much since the 90's. And in revolutionary ways that are mind-boggling. Team size is one of these ways.

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
Launching a publishing company is a lot of fun, and a lot of work — but most importantly, it takes an incredible team of passionate people!

Looking Back
Before we look to the future in coming blogs, it's fun to look back at what brought us here.

Apogee Returns
It all started in 1987.