Post-PAX East 2022 Report
Since Apogee relaunched we've been to two big gaming events with our own booth, first PAX West in Seattle last September and most recently at PAX East in Boston a few weeks ago. Both times we displayed our four major games: Below the Stone, Elements, Turbo Overkill and Dead Fury. Between all of our games we had nearly 100 press appointments set up for the 4-day event, which took place in two dedicated press room areas.
Turbo Overkill came out on Steam's early access the first day of PAX East and proved itself to be one of the hits of PAX, often with a line over 50 people (we had six PCs set up for it).
Other games that caught my eye
I didn't have a lot of time to explore the full floor, where likely several hundred games were being presented, but I tried to look around for about 30 minutes each day. These indie games at PAX really caught my attention and I've wishlisted them:
The Last Hero of Nostalgaia
COVID-19 is still a big deal in terms of keeping the bigger publishers away from the recent PAX events -- no Microsoft, Sony, Activision, Rockstar, Nintendo, etc. But in a way this allows the indie developers to get more of the spotlight, so no complaints at all. I expect PAX West in Seattle later this year to also have low to no turn out by the industry giants, but next year things will be back to normal.
We had a behind-the-scenes game that caught a lot of interest
We had a surprise game that, although it wasn't signed by us during PAX, we were far enough along that road that we wanted to talk about it. And that game is Lucid, a new action platformer that is full of lore, fun characters and enough background mythology that we believe it's the start of a multi-decade ride for us,. This sort of deep-lore game really intrigues us because it provides so much story meat to work with for making many engaging sequels.
A few more fun images from our PAX booth and trip!