Apogee’s PAX Seattle Post-Game report

The Apogee Team at PAX West 2022
We were there in full force!
Twenty two of us plus our three marketing representatives from Stride PR (who were not in this pic). And we needed every hand on deck for this PAX because our booth stayed BUSY all four days, with both gamers playing our games, and press people from around the world stopping by to play our games in our VIP press rooms.
The Games We Showed
In our booth for everyone to play we have five games:
We have three additional games we didn't show at all, one will be announced soon, and the two others--both internally developed games--to be announced early next year.
Indies Killed it at PAX!
And we're still looking for more indie games to sign up and publish, too! One thing that's obvious from walking around PAX even just a few hours is that there are no end of talented indie development teams working on exciting new games. What a time to be a gamer!
Here are a few indie games (not being published by Apogee) that really caught my eye:
Ghost Song
Who's the Real Apogee?
It was really fun having so many PAX gamers come up to the booth and say how much they appreciate seeing the return of the Apogee name, which was such big player when they were kids and teens, playing our games like Commander Keen, Duke Nukem, Rise of the Triad, Stargunner, Balls of Steel, Wolfenstein 3D, Cosmo, Raptor, Shadow Warrior, Monster Bash, Bio Menace and Max Payne.
A lot of people are still confused on how Apogee and 3D Realms relate to each other, so I had to explain several times during PAX that 3D Realms and Apogee were always the same company, and that 3D Realms wasn't a separate company at all, it was just a brand that Apogee invented to use for our 3D games like Duke 3D, Max Payne and Prey. (To be clear, the 3D Realms that was recently purchased by a large European company last year is run by entirely new people who have no connection to Apogee's history or legacy. They bought the 3D Realms brand name, but it's Apogee that produced and published those hit games mentioned above.)